Day 1: Project Launch

Key Question: How can we show our classroom to our families since they can’t come on campus?

Formative Assessment/Learning Experience: A chart of “Need to Know” Questions, with student names listed beside their questions. 

Launch the project by introducing the Driving Question. You might invite your school leader to visit your class and tell children about the problem. Back To School Night is coming up (tell children what day), but this year, because of COVID, we can’t have care-givers on campus. We still really want to share our classroom, our materials and all the learning we’ve been doing. Ask your school leaders to pose this question: How can we show our classroom to our parents/caregivers/families since they can’t come on campus?” and have them tell children that their help is needed! 

Next, ask children: What questions do you have about this BIG problem? If we were to share our classroom with our families at Back to School NIght, but they can’t come on campus, what do we need to know?

You might need to scaffold/model this quite a bit given this is the beginning of the year. Try to support student thinking. Perhaps model questioning - for example, you might model thinking of a question/wondering to yourself: “What can we use to show them? How do we show people things when they can’t be there in person?” Children will most likely have had quite a bit of experience with Facetime, Zoom, Ipads etc. 


This list of questions can be revisited over the course of the week. If a child makes a statement, try to reframe it into a question. For example, if a child says, “I want to show them our paintings!” You might say: “Oh, are you wondering what we should show them?” and post that on the chart next to a student’s name.