Day 5: Recording the Video

Key Question: What should we use to show our families the classroom? 

Formative Assessment/Learning Experience: First draft of video (or slides), having as many children participate as would like to. 

Depending on your daily schedule, have children rehearse one or two more times before recording. You can use a presentation rubric like this one to remind children how to speak loudly, clearly, slowly and to look at the camera. If you have more than one day to do this, feel free. 

If someone in the group would prefer to be off camera, that child can hold the Ipad/phone to record. Or else, ask for volunteers from other groups to be the videographer. 

That afternoon, edit the video clips together (using a simple program like imovie)  leaving some choice for students to help with (for example, the transitions between videos, or captions beneath the videos). 


If you don’t have access to iPads, phones or digital cameras would work as well.

If you have time, include children in the editing process, or ask a child to volunteer to be a director or editor.