Day 4: Script Writing and Rehearsal

Key Question: What should we say in our video?*

Formative Assessment: Script or captions for each group to say or show. 

*If you are creating a slideshow rather than a video, children can write/dictate captions for each photo. 

Ask children to think about what words they should say when describing the important areas of the classroom. You might scaffold by asking: 

What is the area/object/material?

What is it used for? 

Where can we find it?

How is it used?

Depending on the age and readiness of your students, they may want to answer/include one or more of these stems. 

On chart paper, create a collaborative script that might read something like:

This is our _______________. 

We use it for ________________.

You can find it ________________.

If you can, use a large sheet of paper for each group. Work with small groups individually to fill in their script. Glue the colored in, black and white photograph onto the script and label it so that each group knows which one is theirs. 

Children can practice “reading” the lines of the script and looking at the camera, rehearsing for the recorded video. If writing captions, children can help write any letters or words they can as part of the script. 


Some children may not yet be comfortable speaking on camera. Consider the needs of your children. Children who are learning English as a second language, children with learning disabilities or children who simply don’t wish to speak publicly can take on other roles within the project.